Acid rain is the any type of precipitation that contain the acidic components such as sulphuric acid and nitric acid. Acid rain can be in wet form or dry form. 


Wet Deposition

When the air blows it transfers the acidic chemicals present in air to the areas that are wet. Thus these chemicals than fall on the earth surface in the form of acid rain.

Dry Deposition

When the air transferred the acidic chemicals to the dry areas than acid particles fall  on the earth in the form of dust or smoke (dry particles).  


The main gases that contribute to the acid rain are SO2 and NOx. These are emitted from various resources that can be man made or natural.

1. Combustion of Fossil Fuels

The gases emitted from combustion of fossil fuels are SO2 and NOx. They contribute higher to these emissions an thus leading to acid rain.

2. Natural Resources

Acid chemicals causing acid rain are produced from natural resources. Volcanoes and decaying vegetation are natural phenomenon that produce acid producing gases. Lightning strikes is another natural event that leads to production of nitrogen oxide that react with water to form nitric acid.  

3. Man Made Resources

Vehicles emissions of gases is one of the major man made emission source. Vehicles emit the gases into atmosphere that undergoes the chemical reactions with water and form the acid rain. Combustion of coal for the purpose of electricity generation in factories is another man made resource of acid rain.


1. Buildings

Acid Rain affects the buildings badly and week the buildings. The old heritage buildings are mostly affected. The buildings that are made of limestone are affected because acid reacts with minerals and corrode the buildings. Airplanes, cars steel appliances are also affected. 

2. Forests

Forests are damaged by acid rain. Leaves and barks are badly affected by acid rain.

3. Aquatic Environment

Water bodies are affected by acid rain. Acid rain alters the pH of the water. It lowers the pH of water. The water pH good for the survival of plants and animals is 4.6, if the level of pH falls from this level.the life in water will not survive. 

4. Soil

Acid rain has bad affect on Soil. It increases the pH of soil. Acidic soil causes the damage to the life of soil such as microorganisms. soil biological activity is damaged. Microorganisms that could not adapt to this high pH may die.

Effects on Statues, historic monuments and old buildings has been seen. It also causes the corrosion of metals and peeling of surfaces.