Execution of waste analysis is the third step in waste characterization.
- The Collection team should collect the waste either by emptying the waste containers or by exchanging them with empty ones on regular intervals without informing the property holder who produce this waste to avoid his influence in changing the composition of waste.
- Each sample should be tagged with a specific reference identification code so that it could be used in wet conditions.
- The following data must be recorded while collecting waste samples
2) Date of Collection
3) Specific Identification Reference Code
4) Number and type of waste containers collected
5) Estimation by seeing the percentage filling level of containers
6) Estimation of percentage filling level of other containers at one address for finding the waste amount
- Number of persons responsible for waste production and collection interval information are useful to give the indication of per capita waste statistics and per household waste statistics.
- Every waste sample collected must not to be mixed with other waste sample
Each sampling unit is weighed and weight is noted. The sorting of each sampling unit is done separately. The sampling unit is sorted according to a sorting catalog. The catalog will be described in later posts. The catalog has 13 primary waste categories and 35 secondary categories.
Sorting Procedure
- A waste analysis record sheet (paper copy) is prepared for each sampling unit.
- The unique code for waste is noted for each sample against waste analysis record.
- The percentage filling ratio of waste containers is recorded.
- The sampling unit is weighed with an accuracy of +/- 0.1 kg is recorded.
- The sorting units can be separated into two fractions above 40 mm and below 40 mm waste category through screens or by screen table. This reduces the effort of sorting.
- The above 40 mm fraction is sorted into 12 waste primary categories.
- The below 40 mm fraction is further sorted into two fractions above 10 mm and below 10 mm through 10 mm mesh screen.
- The below 10 mm waste weight is recorded and considers as "Fines" category.
- The 10-40 mm waste is weighed too.
The evaluation of waste analysis depends upon weight results taken while sorting procedures from all sampling units.
The basic weight results should be transferred from record sheet to excel sheet that will easily calculate the waste composition and required statistical data.
Sample Analysis
Physical analysis is useful in determining the composition o municipal solid waste. Sorting is done for easy handling and management of waste. Water samples are sent to Laboratories for chemical analysis.
It includes the conclusion from obtained sample results from population.
Presentation of Results
The results presented are:
- Raw Data
- Statistical Calculations
- Evaluation of single results of strata
- Extrapolation of overall results and waste quantities
- Graphical representation of results